After puberty, the breasts of women are disrupted due to heredity, hormonal activity and diet, and although most are benign changes, some may be considering. It is therefore important to know the most common conditions and symptoms to prevent serious problems.
For centuries, but mostly in recent decades, women have fought hard struggle to maintain their health, since your body is exposed to factors that can generate different biochemical abnormalities that may affect these important changes in the structure of organs, tissues and bones.
Specifically, breast or breasts of women undergo changes constantly, whether for hormonal (internal), as occurs during menstruation and pregnancy, as well as habits and dietary factors (external), including smoking, excessive alcohol consumption and exposure to the sun without the protection of a blocker or filter and a high-fat diet.
Add to this that there may be hereditary factors that increase the risk of any disease in the breast, it is no exaggeration to say that every woman should get used to self-examine your breasts regularly every month, from 18 or earlier, and to visit women’s health specialist (gynecologist) to answer any questions on reproductive health and about the early detection of any change in your body, although in most cases are benign and harmless, should not be cause for complacency.
Simply, we must remember that even serious conditions, when detected and treated early, do not endanger the life of the patient, for example, 99% of cases of breast cancer who receive timely therapy does not represent a medical emergency thanks to its slow growth. But of no use medical advances if she hides her illness out of fear or ignorance, and reveals when it is already well advanced.
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A little Anatomy
To better understand the conditions that can affect the breast or breasts, whether it is worth remembering that the body structure is formed mainly by adipose tissue (fat), and below it is the mammary gland. The latter is a structure comparable to a cluster of grapes, where the place of the fruit is occupied by tiny glands called acini, and instead of stems found a series of tubes that form the breast lobules.
The lobes undergo significant changes when stimulated by various substances, such as prolactin, which is generated at the end of pregnancy to stimulate milk production, it heard from the nipple through ducts. However, sex hormones (estrogen and progesterone) are responsible for their most frequent and common, so that every woman should have this information so as not unnecessarily alarmed.
Specifically, explain that days before the start of the menstrual cycle occurs the release of considerable amounts of estrogneo, a hormone that stimulates the mammary gland to increase in size, so you get to feel pain, in contrast, and coinciding with the onset of menstruation, the body produces progesterone, another type of hormone that causes breast disincline and therefore the pain is over.
Now, on to describe the most common disorders of the breast, same, despite their different origins, can be grouped into three categories: pain, nipple discharge and formation of abnormal structures or tissues (lymph).
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7 months ago