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The cause of pain associated with fibrocystic breast disease is not completely understood; however, changes in the breast tissue are believed to be associated with ovarian sex hormones because the condition usually subsides with menopause and may vary in intensity during the menstrual cycle. Hormone imbalances have been suggested, such as increased estrogen secretion, deficient progesterone production, and hyperprolactinemia. In fibrocystic breast disease there is a wide spectrum of histopathological changes (microscopic tissue changes) from relatively normal histologic findings to features that exhibit mainly patterns of fibrous change and cyst formation.
Physical examination by physicians is the first step in the diagnosis of the condition. Lumpy breasts are not necessarily indicative of breast cancer. These lumps can be benign (non-cancerous) and can be definitively characterized with either mammograms, MRIs, or ultrasounds.
Having lumpy breasts and being diagnosed with fibrocystic breast disease does not increase a woman’s risk of developing cancer. However, fibrocystic breast disease can mask potentially cancerous lumps. Women with fibrocystic breast disease should be diligent in their breast self-exams and physician exams.
Once cancer has been ruled out, treatment for nodularity is unnecessary. However, some cysts may be aspirated to alleviate pain. There are non-surgical methods of dealing with the pain associated with fibrocystic breasts.
Treatment strategies for pain associated with fibrocystic breast disease range from conservative treatment methods such as non-prescription analgesics, properly fitted brassieres, diet change, the application of local heat, or application of evening primrose oil. However, little scientific data exists on the effectiveness of these treatments. Patients may use prescription analgesics, but in more severe cases danazol may be prescribed. Danazol has several significant side effects and is only prescribed for severe cases. With the exception of danazol, no other therapeutic is approved to treat the painful symptoms of fibrocystic breast disease.
If you are a woman experiencing cyclical pain associated with fibrocystic breast disease, you may be eligible to participate in an ongoing clinical trial for a novel investigational drug