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Saturday, August 3, 2024

Loss Weight


Obeslim Dietary Supplement is a combination of weight loss herbs to regularize body metabolism and destroy accumulated fat. Made from a blend of 12 indigenous herbs, this herbal weight loss product regulates body metabolism and helps to suppress appetite. Completely natural without any side effects, Obeslim natural weight loss supplement will burn your fat and calories gradually while preserving muscle tissue.

Three Bottoles Price : $69.00    Buy 3 Bottols

Five   Bottoles Price : $99.00     Buy 5Bottols

Our weight loss solution contains primary natural nutrients and herbs which help you reduce weight. They have the ability to reduce body fat. Finally, they aid in suppressing excessive appetite and food cravings and regularising body metabolism at the same time. Obeslim is a synergic and aesthetic blend of clinically tested herbs which helps you in losing weight (naturally and GRADUALLY) while strengthening your internal system. The fine herbs combine to form an powerful yet mild herbal weight loss diet which supplements your regular and otherwise slimming efforts.

Dosage: 1-2 Capsules 2 times a day or as recommended by healthcare practitioner
        *    Obeslim dietary supplement burns fat calories using a balanced herbal diet. Strengthens               digestion.
        *    Speeds up Metabolism: By improving circulation, energy, it helps in improving and                          regulating body metabolism.
        *     Removes Toxins: Cleanses the toxins from the blood, tissues, lungs and lymphatics.

        *     Excessive Appetite: While other herbal diet pills decrease normal appetite and can cause                harmful effects, Obeslim can only suppress excessive appetite thereby reducing weight                  and curbing extra sugar and food cravings.
               Burns Fat calories. Preserves muscle tissue: Strengthens the internal immune system,                  Obeslim is a completely natural healthy stimulant-free thermogenic formula.                                    Completely natural with absoloutely no side effects.

                 Loose Weight ...

Ayurveda defines obesity as the imbalance of one of the 3 doshas i.e. Kapha. When Kapha increases, fat metabolism gets hampered and the person becomes obese.

Ayurvedic herbs help to reduce Kapha, which is the basis of fat accumulation, and improves fat metabolism, so further fat deposition will not take place. These medicinal herbs can correct Kapha imbalance and help in weight loss. Once a person's metabolism is correct it is easy for him to maintain his weight using his diet control.

How does each herb in Obeslim helps to Loose Weight?

Commiphora mukul (Indian Bedellium): Guggul, also known as Commiphora Mukul and Guggulipid, is a very effective herbal medicine for controlling obesity and cholesterol. It is a well established fat burning agent all over the world. As a nutritional supplement, Guggulsterones are used to boost thyroid gland metabolism. Boosting thyroid gland metabolism may cause an increase in basal metabolic rate, or BMR, which are the number of calories one burns at rest.

Plumbago zeylanica (White Leadwort): Ayurvedic weight loss supplement traditionally used for improving digestion and enhancing the metabolism of stored fat. Combines well with guggulu (Commiphora mukul).

Garcinia indica (Mangosteen): Garcinia cambogia is the fruit of the garcinia indica tree also known as Brindleberry, grown in southern India. Various studies have shown that Hydroxycitric acid helps prevent the liver from forming fats from dietary carbohydrates. HCA increases the production and storage of glycogen while reducing both appetite and weight gain. HCA also causes extra calories to be consumed as thermogenisis is enhanced.

Embelia ribes (False Pepper): Ayurvedic herb for enhancing metabolism and digestion. Its principal constituents are embelin, quercitol and fatty ingredients. An alkaloid, christembine, a resinoid, tannins and minute quantities of a volatile oil are present.

Piper nigrum (Black Pepper): Black Pepper is considered an important healing spice in ayurveda. Black pepper is a warming spice and contributes the pungent taste. It is excellent for pacifying Kapha. It helps the free flow of oxygen to the brain, helps enhance digestion and circulation, stimulates the appetite.

Zingiber officinale (Ginger): Although officially recognized as a remedy for appetite loss, indigestion and motion sickness, ginger root has a proven ability to combat all forms of nausea and vomiting. It has also been taken to loosen phlegm, relieve gas, and tighten the tissues, although its effectiveness for these purposes hasn't been proven. By providing you with a clear head and by working as a metabolism aid, Ginger Root is the perfect compliment to any diet plan.

Tinospora cordifolia (Guduchi): The plant is used to improve the immune system and the body's resistance to infections.

Triphala = Terminalia chebula (Chebulic Myrobalan) + Terminalia bellerica (Belleric Myrobalan) + Embelica officinalis (Indian Gooseberry)

Triphala when combined with guggul is an Ayurvedic Herbal formula most used to reduce fat from the body. It is not an appetite suppressant in fact it is an Ayurvedic supplement that can mobilize and eliminate fat from the body and encourage permanent metabolic changes. and GUGGUL (Commiphora mukul).

Triphala purifies the body of old ama trapped in the fat and guggulu actually scrapes fat away from the other tissues.

Along with supplements and herbs, lifestyle changes and exercise are just as important to reduce increased weight and maintain ideal weight.


To lose weight, fewer calories should be consumed. Calories, the measure of the energy in your food, is the currency of weight control. In general, the calories that you consume are either burned or used to create body fat.


What should I eat? Reduce all starchy food, fried foods and sugary foods. Healthy diet is healthy weight, ban saturated fats and Trans fats (hydrogenated oils). Those who eat saturated fats weigh the most. Use good fats like olive oil or flaxseed oil fight fat with fat. Drink plenty of water: 7 to 8 glasses of water a day will keep you in good shape. Rather than drinking regular tea try

Green Tea - Besides it's antioxidant properties, it helps with weight loss by boosting metabolism.

Eat less exercise more

These four words sums up the most effective strategy. Exercise will help raise the body's metabolism.

Avoid fatty food and suger base food.

avoid soft drinks.

Take natural drinks without suger.

Avoid heavy calories food.

Take fibriod food and green vegetables.




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