Growth Mechanism
Before one can fully understand how a breast enhancement or breast enlargement product works, one must have a limited amount of knowledge of what causes a female body to develop breasts in the first place.
Scientific research has concluded that breast tissue growth occurs as a result of the effects of estrogen, progesterone, prolacin, prostaglandins, and human growth hormone. It is important that all of these hormones be present in the body in the proper balance for normal breast tissue development.
During childhood, estrogens are secreted in small quantities. Following puberty however, the quantity of estrogens secreted under the influence of the pituitary hormones (FHS, LH) increases some 20 fold or more.
At this time sexual organs change from those of a child to that of an adult. The external genitalia enlarge. Estrogens effect on the breast causes fat deposition, development of the stromal tissues of the breast and growth of an extensive ductile system. Along with estrogen, progesterone and prolactin are secreted in higher quantities from the ovaries after puberty. These two hormones are responsible for growth of the lobules and alveoli of the breast determining growth and function of these structures.
Progesterone promotes development of the lobules and alveoli of the breasts causing the alveolar cells to proliferate to enlarge and to become secretory in nature. However, progesterone does not cause the alveoli to secrete milk unless stimulated by prolactin from the pituitary. Progesterone cause the breasts to swell partially due to changes in the lobules and alveoli, but also partly from increased fluid retention in sub-cutaneous tissues.
Scientists have proven that stimulating the estrogen receptors in the breast with estrogen or estrogen like substance (phytoestrogens) can actually increase the size of the female breast as much as 150%.