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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Breast Lumps

Breast Lumps

Finding a lump in one of your breasts can cause you a lot of anxiety. Most breast lumps, particularly in younger women, are not caused by cancer but are benign, non-cancerous lumps. You should make an appointment with your GP as soon as possible if you find a breast lump. They will then decide if you need referral to a specialist breast clinic for further tests.
A normal breast

This diagram shows a normal breast.

The breast is connected to muscles on the wall of your chest. It is made up of fatty tissue. Within the fatty tissue are lobules or milk-forming glands. Milk drains from these glands into breast ducts during breast-feeding. Milk then leaves the ducts through your nipple if you breast-feed a baby.

The glands and ducts can decrease or increase in number and size depending on when they are needed.
Breast lumps can involve any of these different tissues, or components, that make up your breast.
Common causes of breast lumps
Physiological (normal) swelling and tenderness

This is also known as fibrocystic change or fibroadenosis. Your breasts change throughout your menstrual cycle each month because of your hormones. At least half of all women who have periods will have some pain, tenderness and nodularity (lumpiness) in their breasts at some time in the month. This is usually most obvious in the week before your period. It quickly goes when your period starts. It is more common in women aged 30-50.

This is a benign (non-cancerous) breast lump that usually occurs in women under the age of 40. They occur as a result of excess growth of the glands and connective tissue in the breasts. They usually feel like round, firm, and rubbery lumps. They usually move slightly under the skin when they are pressed. They are not usually painful.

Sometimes they can disappear of their own accord. They also tend to go after the menopause. However, they can also be removed.
Breast cysts

A cyst is a fluid-filled lump. Cysts are more common in women approaching menopause although they can occur at any age. They are usually oval or round lumps that are smooth and firm. They tend to move slightly when pressed. It is common for them to appear within two weeks prior to your period and then resolve soon after the period.

Treatment of breast cysts typically involves draining the fluid in them by using a thin needle inserted into your breast by the doctor. After draining, about 3 in 10 cysts will refill with fluid, but can be drained again.

A lump caused by infection is fairly common in women who are breast-feeding. The ducts that carry the breast milk can become blocked. Bacteria, or germs, can enter through cracks in the nipple. This can lead to the development of an abscess in the breast. Warm compresses, paracetamol and/or antibiotics may be needed.

Infection can also cause lumps in women who are not breast-feeding.
Fat necrosis

Injury or trauma to the fatty tissue in your breast can cause a lump. These lumps usually heal and go away of their own accord. However, if they persist then they can be removed.

This is a fatty growth that develops within the fatty tissue of your breast. It is non-cancerous and usually does not need any treatment. However, they can be removed if they are large or causing any symptoms.

Breast cancer

The vast majority of breast lumps are not caused by breast cancer. However, breast cancers are a cause of lumps in the breasts. There are separate leaflets called 'Cancer of the Breast' and 'Cancer of the Breast - Hereditary Factors'.
What should I do if I find a breast lump?

If you find a lump in one of your breasts, you should make an appointment with your GP as soon as possible. When you see your GP, they may start by asking you some questions. It is a good idea to think about these questions before your appointment.

Questions may include:
When did you notice the lump?
Do you have any breast pain?
Do you have any nipple discharge?
When was your last period (if you still have them)?
Are you taking an hormonal medication such as the contraceptive pill or hormone replacement therapy?
Have you had breast lumps before?
Do you have any history of breast problems in your family?
Breast examination

Your doctor may then suggest that they examine your breasts. A male doctor should always offer for a chaperone to be present during the examination. You may be asked to remove your top and bra by the doctor. They may want to examine your breasts with your arms in the air and then by your sides. They may also want to examine your breasts when you are sitting and then lying down. They may also want to examine underneath your arms to feel for any enlarged lymph glands. Your doctor may ask you to point out the lump to them. If you have had any nipple discharge, your doctor may ask you to demonstrate this yourself by asking you to squeeze your nipple.
What happens next?

This will depend on what your doctor finds when they examine you. If you are young, have not gone through the menopause, and have only just noticed the lump, your doctor may suggest that you return for another examination after your next period.

If the doctor is uncertain as to the cause of the lump, or if you have a family history of breast problems that they are worried about, they may suggest that they refer you to a specialist breast clinic. Here you will see a doctor who has special expertise in dealing with breast problems.

You can usually expect an appointment at the clinic within a few weeks. However, waiting times can vary depending on how busy the clinic is and how urgent your GP feels the problem is. The aim is that any woman with suspected breast cancer should be seen in a specialist breast clinic within two weeks. If your doctor feels that you are more likely to have one of the benign (noncancerous) causes of a breast lump, it may take longer than two weeks for you to be seen.

Even if you are referred urgently, you should remember that your lump may still turn out to be benign. The majority of people referred to a breast clinic do not have breast cancer.
What to expect if you are referred to a breast clinic

Usually there is a specialist breast nurse who works in a breast clinic. They may be present during your appointment with the doctor and are usually available for any questions afterwards. In some breast clinics, the specialist nurse runs the clinic and you may only see them.

In most clinics you will first be asked about your symptoms. You may be given an information sheet to fill out. This may include some of the questions that are listed above. After this, the breast specialist doctor or nurse will examine your breasts in a similar way as happened when you saw your GP. They may then suggest that you have some further tests.

These can include a mammogram and/or an ultrasound scan of your breast (see below). Sometimes investigations are carried out on the same day that you attend the clinic. Sometimes you may be given an appointment to come back for a test.

The breast specialist may also suggest that they take a sample (biopsy) of the lump. There are two common ways of doing this, either by fine needle aspiration or a core biopsy (details below). They are both straightforward procedures. Sometimes ultrasound scanning is done to guide the procedure. The specialist uses the scan to identify exactly where the lump is so that they can take the sample. The sample may be taken on the same day in the breast clinic or you may be given an appointment to come back for the procedure.
What is a mammogram?

A mammogram is essentially an X-ray of your breasts. A radiographer (someone trained in taking X-rays) will ask you to remove your top and bra. The mammogram is generally done with you standing up. Each breast is compressed between two X-ray plates. This may feel a little uncomfortable but the discomfort should only last for a few minutes. Two images of each breast are taken in different positions.
What is an ultrasound scan of the breast?

An ultrasound scan of the breast uses the same technique as an ultrasound scan that women have when they are pregnant. Again, you will be asked to remove your top and bra. Some gel will be spread on to your breast. The ultrasonographer will then move the scanning probe over the surface of your breast. High-frequency sound waves allow them to produce an image of your breast that they can look at. They should be able to see any lumps in your breast.

You may have both an ultrasound scan and a mammogram. Women under the age of 35 may only have an ultrasound scan. This is because it is difficult to get a clear picture of younger women's breasts using a mammogram.

Some women may have a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan. This can show different detail of the breast tissue than a mammogram or an ultrasound test.
What is fine needle aspiration?

Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) is when a small, fine needle with a syringe connected to it is used to take a sample of breast cells from the lump. This sample is then sent to the laboratory and is examined under a microscope. It is usually a quick procedure and may be a little uncomfortable. Local anaesthetic is not usually used as this would mean using two needles (a needle to give the local anaesthetic first) instead of just one. Your breast may feel a little sore for a short period afterwards.

It may take one to two weeks for the results, or sometimes longer depending on the clinic. You will generally be given another appointment to come back for the results. The results can show if the lump is cancerous or non-cancerous. Sometimes not enough cells are present in the sample to give a definite answer. In this case you will need further tests.
What is a core biopsy?

For a core biopsy, a larger needle is used to take a sample of tissue from your breast lump. You will usually be given a local anaesthetic to numb the area before the biopsy is taken. More than one biopsy may be taken. The tissue that is taken is sent to the laboratory and is examined under a microscope.

You may need to wear a dressing on the area afterwards and your breast may feel a little sore. Painkillers usually help the soreness. It may take one to two weeks for the results, or sometimes longer depending on the clinic. You will generally be given another appointment to come back for the results. Again, the results can show if the lump is cancerous or non-cancerous.
Other advice

If you do have to go back to a breast clinic to get your results, it may be a good idea to take a partner, relative or friend with you. In this way you will have someone present to give you support if you need it. However, remember that for many women who have mammography, ultrasound, fine needle aspiration and/or a core biopsy, the results do not show that they have cancer. They may have one of the benign breast problems that are discussed above.

You should also remember that even if your tests do come back as benign (non-cancerous), you should still continue to be vigilant and be 'breast aware'. You should regularly check your breasts for anything that is not normal for you. You should see your GP if you are worried about any new breast pain, lumps or nipple discharge.

Breast cancer screening

If you are between 50 and 70 years old, you will be called for regular breast cancer screening using mammography. You should continue to attend this. You will automatically be sent an appointment for a mammogram every three years.

If you are over 70 years, it is advised that you continue to have a mammogram every three years. You will not get a routine appointment sent to you, but you should contact your local breast screening clinic to arrange this every three years.
Further help and information

Breast Cancer Care

5-13 Great Suffolk Street, Southwark, London, SE1 0NS
Helpline: 0808 800 6000 Web: www.breastcancercare.org.uk
Provide s breast cancer information and support across the UK.
NHS Breast Screening Programme

Web: www.cancerscreening.nhs.uk/breastscreen/

Breast Pain

Breast Pain

Most women develop breast pain at some stage in life. In most cases the pain develops in the days just before a period. In some cases the pain is not related to periods. The pain is often mild but in some women it is more severe and can affect the quality of your life. Treatment options include painkillers and topical (rub-on) anti-inflammatory drugs.

What are the types of breast pain?

Breast pain (mastalgia) is usually classed as either:
Cyclical breast pain - where the pain is related to periods. Typically, it occurs in the second half of the monthly cycle, getting worse in the days just before a period; OR
Noncyclical breast pain - where the pain is not related to periods.

Up to 7 in 10 women develop breast pain at some stage in their life. About 2 in 3 cases are cyclical breast pain, and about 1 in 3 are noncyclical. If you are not sure which type of breast pain you have, it may be worth keeping a pain diary for 2-3 months. Record the days when you have breast pain, and highlight the days when the pain is severe enough to affect your lifestyle. See what pattern emerges.
Cyclical breast pain

Cyclical breast pain is very common. It can first occur at any age after periods start, but most commonly first develops between the ages of 30 and 50 years. It does not occur in women past the menopause when the periods have stopped.

What are the symptoms of cyclical breast pain?

In many women the symptoms are mild. Indeed, it can be considered normal to have some breast discomfort for a few days before a period. However, in around one in ten women the pain can be severe and/or last longer - up to 1-2 weeks before a period. The 3-5 days prior to a period are usually the worst. The pain usually eases soon after a period starts. The severity usually varies from month to month. Typically, the pain affects both breasts. It is usually worst in the upper and outer part of the breast, and may travel to the inner part of the upper arm.

Your breasts may also feel more swollen and lumpy than usual. This lumpiness is generalised so does not lead to a single definite lump forming. This swelling and lumpiness then improve soon after your period starts.

Quality of life for some women can be significantly affected. Physical activity such as jogging can make the pain worse. Such things as hugging children and sexual activity can be painful.
What causes cyclical breast pain?

It is thought that women with cyclical breast pain have breast tissue which is more sensitive than usual to the normal hormonal changes that occur each month. It is not due to any hormone disease or to any problem in the breast itself. It is not related to any other breast conditions. Although it is not serious, it can be a nuisance.

What are the treatment options for cyclical breast pain?

No treatment may be needed if the symptoms are mild. Many women are reassured by knowing that cyclical breast pain is not a symptom of cancer or serious breast disease. The problem may settle by itself within 3-6 months. Studies have shown that cyclical breast pain goes away within three months of onset in about 3 in 10 cases. However, in up to 6 in 10 women where the pain has gone, it develops again sometime within two years. So, in other words, cyclical breast pain may come and go over the years.

If the pain is more severe, or for the times when it may flare up worse than usual, treatment options include the following:
Support your breasts. Wear a well supporting bra when you have pain. It may be worthwhile having a bra fitted for you as many women actually wear the wrong size of bra. Some women find that wearing a supporting bra 24 hours a day for the week before a period is helpful. It is best to avoid underwired bras. Wear a sports bra when you exercise.
Painkillers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen. Take regularly on the days when the breasts are painful.
Topical (rub-on) non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). For example, topical diclofenac or topical ibuprofen. You can buy various topical NSAIDs or get them on prescription. Topical NSAIDs have been shown to help relieve the pain of cyclical breast pain.
Consider your medication. The contraceptive pill or hormone replacement therapy (HRT) may make cyclical breast pain worse. Other drugs may also worsen cyclical breast pain. For example, some antidepressants and some blood pressure drugs. If appropriate, it may be worth stopping or changing your medication to see if this helps. Discuss this with your doctor.
Drugs to block hormones. Drugs such as danazol, bromocriptine, tamoxifen and goserelin injections can ease pain in most cases. These drugs work by reducing the level, or blocking the effect of, female hormones such as oestrogen. You need to take them regularly (not just when the pain occurs). However, significant side-effects are common with these drugs. So, they are not usually tried unless you have severe pain which occurs during most months and does not ease with other treatments.
Evening primrose oil. This used to be a very popular treatment. Some research studies suggest that this has little effect. However, some women still seem to find benefit from it. You can no longer get this on prescription. There are many different preparations of evening primrose oil containing varying amounts of the active ingredient gamolenic acid. The dose is usually 120 -160 mg of gamolenic acid twice daily. Evening primrose oil is unlikely to give instant relief and it needs to be taken for up to four months before you can decide if it is helpful or not. If it has not helped by the time four months is reached then it is not going to be effective.

Note: in the past, diuretics (water tablets) used to be popular. However, they do not work as the pain is not caused by fluid retention.

Noncyclical breast pain

Breast pain can be present all the time, or come and go in a random way. This type of breast pain is not related to periods and is most common in women aged over 40. The pain may be in just one breast, and may be localised to one area in a breast. Sometimes the pain is felt all over one or both breasts. There are various causes. For example:
Pain coming from the breast tissue itself in the absence of any lumps, tumours, or other abnormality being detected. The reason why this type of pain occurs is not known.
Pain coming or radiating from the chest wall under the breast rather than the breast itself. Muscular or bony problems of the chest wall account for some cases.
Infection is a cause in a small number of cases.
Shingles may cause pain before a rash develops.
Breast tumours, cancer and lumps are a very uncommon cause of breast pain.
The cause is often not clear.

As there are various causes it is best to see a doctor for assessment.

What is the treatment for noncyclical breast pain?

In many cases the pain goes after a few months without any treatment. NSAIDs such as ibuprofen may ease the pain. Topical NSAIDs may also work. Other treatments may be appropriate, depending on whether a cause is found.
Breast pain and breast cancer

Women with breast pain often worry that the pain is caused by breast cancer. However, the first symptom of breast cancer is usually a painless lump. Pain is not usually an early symptom.

However, even though breast pain is not likely to be caused by cancer, you should see your doctor if you have any concerns about breast pain or any other breast symptoms.

In particular, see a doctor promptly if you have breast pain and any of the following:
A lump in your breast or under your arms.
Discharge from a lump or nipple.
A family history of breast cancer.
Swelling and redness in your breast.
Any symptoms of pregnancy, such as a missed period.




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